Junior Weisenheimers: Stuff My Kids Say

Yes, actual quotes 
from my three boys,
over the past two decades
Actual pics and 
identities hidden to 
protect the innocent 
and the not so innocent :-) 

🌟 He was cooler when you married him, right? 

🌟 It may be good for you but it’s not good. [after my wife made everyone taste quince, safarjal]

🌟 And second of all... 

🌟 When are we going to San DeLego again?

🌟 So your parents and mama's parents left Syria because the government was bad, right? So if all the good people leave, then who will fix Syria (age six). 

🌟 Swevil is pronounced swee-vil = sweet + evil 

🌟 Yes there is so a good time to be sick. School days 

🌟 You know, he asked if I wanted any, and then I did the fight dance. [referring to the culturally Arab ritual of always first declining when a host offers you food or drink, and only accepting it after the host repeatedly insists]

🌟 I’m only a child on the outside. On the inside I’m just like you but with no grays. 

🌟 What exactly are those eye drops for baba? They just keep my eyes moist, it's basically water formulated to be like tears. "Okay then, cry me a river."

🌟 I like sleep. It is a time machine to breakfast. 

🌟 We attended jumah at one of the very few mosques where the entire khutbah was in Arabic, so I was looking forward to a lively discussion about why people think the sermon should or should not be in Arabic, but I was shut down with, "when you’re asleep it really doesn’t matter what language the khutbah is in.”

🌟 Description of me and his mother: You are very creative and optimistic and you are supportive and encourage me to do new things. Mom is always right.

🌟 "It’s okay, they’re not real." My kindergartner's response to his teacher when she questioned him about why he used blue to color the faces of children in his coloring book.  

🌟 Baba, that sign says this hiking trail is closed, so that means you are you going to hike there, right? 

🌟 Look mama, him has no feet. Referring to the woman wearing extremely baggy jeans in line in front of him at McDonalds.

🌟 Oh my God, Baba, that woman actually has your exact same sense of humor [referring to a tour guide in Santa Barbara]

🌟 Just don’t wear that cowboy looking shirt when you pick me up from (Islamic) school because then people will think I’m even whiter than they already think I am.

🌟 Come back gain for more!

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